Saturday 27 October 2007

Spot the Beaver

Good news, Katie is feeling a whole lot better but she decided that she didn't wish to go horse riding today. So..., we decided to go and see our new neighbours this afternoon, the family of Beavers that have just arrived and settled in at Martin Mere. We made the 1.5 mile journey VERY excited and sat down to a very nice home cooked lunch when we arrived. The shop is, as you'd expect, full of 'Beaver' merchandise. Katie already had her beady eye on a stuffed toy Beaver... Mmmmmm She has a reputation for buying the odd stuffed toy! The BBC arrive this week to start setting up for the next series of "Autumn Watch" and there are pictures and posters everywhere of Kate Humble, Bill Oddie, Simon King and of course... the Beavers! VERY exciting. So we ambled around the Mere pointing and 'aawwwwing' at all the downy ducklings and goslings and the young and fluffy Flamingos, eagerly anticipating the spectacular of the new residents.

I even started to do my brilliant and hilarious best impersonation of the whistling Beaver from The Lady and The Tramp. Then we finally arrived at the "Eco Garden" and the sign greeting us below added even more to our excitement.

Alas... that was as good as it got! There was plenty of 'evidence' that there are some kind of large gnawing mammal in residence, lots of trees on the floor with teeth marks around the base and lots of piles if wood shavings, but the animals themselves were not exactly, er..., obvious. In fact, the only Beavers we saw all day were the one that Katie procured from the gift shop (didn't see that coming... much!) and this chap below. Still... we had a very nice walk!

Maybe next time :-)=

Tuesday 23 October 2007

The Pumpkin and The Pox Part 2

Hello, I like the pictures of the pumpkins! I had a good time that day, even though I was in the car for most of it! Well, I can't moan. I did get to see the pumpkins, and I'm not moaning I had a good time. =) I cannot wait for Halloween, it should be cool! Great blog =) Hi to Janet and Eamon if you see this message, and good luck with your new house. See you soon.
Lots and lots of love Katie

Saturday 20 October 2007

The Pumpkin Patch

We went to the Giant Pumpkin Show this afternoon at Homestead Farm Shop, Mere Brow. We saw the biggest pumpkins ever. We also bought a smaller pumpkin to use on halloween, along with some other stuff that I've already bought - pumpkin and spider lights, a tombstone with a skeleton on it with light-up eyes, a big cobweb with 12 spiders on it, a giant spider and a big black rat!!! It should look good.
Poor Katie had to sit in the car because she's got chicken pox. Here she is holding the pumpkin we bought for halloween.
Looks like we'll be having pumpkin soup and pumpkin pie again!!!

Lots of love

The Pumpkin and The Pox

Kind of sounds like the name of a country pub doesn't it? Or else a children's story? Or a play? Or a country music CD ;-)

This is our first post so please be patient, we hope you like it....

We're all a bit quiet this morning, poor Katie has Chicken Pox and can't go to the stables today for her usual day of mucking out, grooming and riding. She's rather fed up! Sarah isn't here, she stayed at her friends house last night for a big girlie sleepover, being a teenager she'd rather be with her mates, can't understand why when she could be here enjoying our company ;-)

There is good news however... This afternoon is the Mere Brow GIANT PUMPKIN competition so we're getting quite excited about that. Apparently, people come from all over the place to enter their huge monster creations and we're kind of expecting (hoping) that there may be one or two sidelines going on such as Halloween decorations, costumes and perhaps a smackerel of something seasonal.. So we'll let you know later and post a couple of pics for you!

It's very cold this morning but sunny, you know that nice crisp type of winter morning when you leave footprints in on the lawn and the birds are very busy around the feeders and in and out of the trees. Already today we have our usual Goldfinches (including "Chubby" more of him later...), Collard Doves and Blackbirds, and we're also honoured this morning with Greenfinches and Coal Tits. Suddenly it doesn't seem so cold out there.

That's it for now, time for a cuppa and get ready for the pumpkin show. More soon....
