Saturday 3 November 2007

Cool !

Well.... It's official, Linda and I are "Cool!!".

I guess we always suspected it really, and I'm sure that it doesn't come as any surprise to you all, but on Wednesday evening several groups of teenagers who'd dressed up like Marilyn Manson, Freddie Kruger or Peter Cushing, or wearing 'Scream' masks, and then some small children who had dressed up as witches and monsters, and their accompanying parents, actually told us that we were "Cool!!", so there!

Well... actually, what they said was that our house was "Cool!!" and "Ace!" and "Wow!" and "Really Really Good!!", so that's near enough for me. The following pictures will hopefully explain all this a little better than I've done so far.

It was the build up to Halloween and Linda had been shopping, oh, and then shopping! So we set about hanging 'cobwebs' everywhere, and I mean EVERYWHERE! once you start with that stuff you can't get rid of it, it follows you around and pops out of places you'd never imagine and appears when you least expect it to. You brush you hair and it's there tangled up in the brush (well... not me obviously), you brush your teeth and it's there, you get into the car to get away from it and its all over the dashboard, you arrive at work and it's tangled around your i.d. badge lanyard and even when you eat your sandwiches, that you've been out to buy from Marks and Spencers, it's there... in between the bread and the cheddar! See below....

Then there's the Bluetak! how come when you're putting stuff up with that stuff it won't stick, and then when you try to take the same stuff down 3 minutes later on it won't bloody come off?! is it me?

Anyway, back to the scary bit. Linda festooned the house with webs, more webs, and spiders of ALL shapes, colours and sizes. She even scared herself several times by forgetting which of them were plastic and which of them were "Andrew!! Come here... oooohhh I don't like it! I'm not sure about that one, I don't remember putting that one there". Then there were a dozen glow-in-the-dark skellingtons, a squeaky rat, some pumpkin and spider 'fairy'' lights on of the box bushes, more chuffing cobwebs, bats, candles, a grave stone with flashing eyes, and of course, a pumpkin jack-o-lantern.

The children thought it was fab and came from all around, and I'm sure that some of them came back in different masks later on. They were greeted by a VERY excited, no... you don't understand, I mean VERY excited!!, Mrs. Drummond presenting them with an enormous Halloween bowl of sweeties and choccies.

The very brave were even given spider rings. I say the 'very brave' because some of them wouldn't approach the house due to the bellowing "Scream" CD that Linda had bought just to add that finishing touch to the Munsters Mansion, and...., to top it all off, the doorbell was decorated with its very own spider. One tiny little witch braved the music, the gravestone and the cobwebs and then hurried back down the drive as fast as her broomstick would allow, hanging on to her pointed hat saying "Mummy I don't like it, I don't want to press it!!" She eventually came back when Mortitia opened the door and brandished Cadburys Caramel in her direction but she refused to take a spider ring 'cos she "don't like spiders so I don't want one!" I'm surprised we didn't get arrested :-)

The kids around here really enjoy Halloween and they put a fantastic effort into their costumes and make up. So it's only right that we made effort too and it all made Halloween a very enjoyable and memorable evening.

I daren't even think about what Linda will have ready for next year!!

Lots of love and don't have nightmares


1 comment:

Jan & Eam said...

That is absolutely fantastic, you are right up there with the Canadians!! Oh, and I can so believe it.