Sunday 8 May 2011


Aspiration - noun, a strong desire, longing, aim or ambition...

I'd always wanted to see this sign and I genuinely believed that being in Hollywood would be something really magical.  Linda had warned me on numerous occasions that it, Hollywood, could perhaps come as something of a disappointment to me.  She has been before and was worried that I'd be left a little deflated having seen the sign and then realised that it was the most attractive and interesting thing about Hollywood.

It was a serious thrill to see the sign in the flesh and the drive up Beechwood Drive amongst all of the mansions and the closed gates and blinds was 'hair on the back of the neck' arousing stuff and measured with the relief of no longer being on the crazy Interstate 10 getting there, parking and walking up to the sign viewing area was a beautiful moment.  Imagining ALL the people who'd stood there before me to admire it.  How many of them would I have crossed paths with in the past and how many of them have stood there shoulder to shoulder with tourists like me wearing disguises so they don't get harassed?
Alas the weather wasn't brilliant so the vista over LA couldn't really be appreciated and wasn't really worth photographing on this day.  However, it was still very impressive and I am so pleased that we got there and saw the sign and managed to take time to contemplate what it was all about!

We were only there for one night as a via point on our trip up the West coast and after the sign, of course, we had to see Hollywood Boulevard.  I have to say that I'm delighted to have been there but I won't be in a hurry to go back.  It's thrilling to see all the stars on the pavements and the familiar sights but it was so oppressive and claustrophobic.  I felt that I had to hold to everything twice as tightly as ever before and within seconds I was sick to the back teeth of people asking me for money and shoving cards and papers in my face.   Worst of all there was a demonstration taking place by a group of Muslim extremists outside of a US Army clothing (fashion) store and that was starting to get rather uneasy.  Perhaps we just visited on the wrong day / night? 

Unperturbed, we cautiously set off in the opposite direction along the Walk of Fame and I was soon distracted by all the stars on the pavement and the images of who had knelt down there to unveil that star and this star and despite the constant mither from beggars, street sellers and  con-artists I really enjoyed the experience.    .

It's a great moment to come across the stars of one's heroes and I was truly spoiled with so many.  The Grauman's Chinese Theatre was wonderful to see and seeing all the imprints of hands and shoes, feet and signatures in the pavement outside is such an evocative experience.  Lots of "Wow!!" moments like Marilyn Monroe,  Jonny Depp, Helen Mirren, Shirley Temple, John Wayne, Jane Russell, so many more but I thought I'd share this below one with you as it made us laugh!!

"Nice one Trig"

Once used to the crowds and with our Middle Eastern chums dispersed it became a little easier to negotiate the walk and ignore every other human being on the street.  The next star always made one of us stop and 'oh wow' and the time passed in a flash. Get it... Flash...

Some stars more than other made us stop and this one at 7021 Hollywood Boulevard particularly made me smile and contemplate.  What must it all have been like back then?

Couldn't resist a pose with this one having just seen his amazing Las Vegas show with Sarah and Katie before they flew home.

Another tick on life's list.

So... We'd seen the sign and we'd seen the walk of fame.  We'd seen the Capitol Records building and we'd escaped with our lives from the melee of one of the most famous streets in the world.  However, there was more...  Not as glamorous in anyway and nowhere near as busy but for me, a small boy in a big world, it was about to get far more exciting!!  I like to read autobiographies and particularly those of risen and fallen rock stars.  Nearly all of them at some time mention 'nipping down to Sunset (Boulevard) and picking up a new (or old) guitar'.   There are a cluster of massive music shops on Sunset Boulevard all with history and all with references to who shops there and who has shopped there.  Guitar Centre even has it's own Wall of Fame outside and the pavement is made up from hand prints of famous guitarists.  Inside was even better with great walls full of gear and 'special' rooms at the back and downstairs with some of the most amazing guitar collections I've ever seen.  I could get quite boring about this (if I haven't already) so I'll skip on.... 

This one is for the boys!

So after all that excitement, we checked in to our hotel for the night at Anaheim and jumped in to a taxi to Downtown Disney.  Well...  Why not?!  We had a very pleasant potter around, of course, browsed in the Disney Store, and then settled in for some good ole' Southern Fried chicken and corn bread and lashings of wheat beer at one of my favourite places...  The House Of Blues!

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