Sunday 14 December 2008


In the English dictionary this is described as one being utterly astonished...

I think Katie demonstrated just how true that is last night when we had her early birthday. As Linda and I are away for Katie's birthday this year we had our celebration time with Katie last night. A lovely meal out at The Peacock in Ormskirk, our favourite Chinese eatery. The Celebration Banquet was more than appropriate and way more than we needed or could possibly eat!

With the timing of Christmas (a good excuse to show our tree above...) in mind we booked this a couple of months ago, not realising at the time that it clashed with the final of the X-Factor on TV, which we've all been following avidly this year.

Not wishing to miss out on either Katie's meal, or the TV programme, we bravely set the Sky+ box to record the show and turned off our mobile phones, computers and any device which could possibly give the result away before we managed to watch it ourselves as if live.

We arrived home in complete ignorance of the result which we would all be pleased with later on. Meanwhile, we gave Katie her birthday cards and presents from ourselves, Grandma and Grandpa, Auntie Janet and Uncle Eamonn, Auntie Sue and Uncle Jonathan and Hannah and Joe.

Earlier this year Katie had hinted that she would like to update her Sims game for the PC. She told us that she would like Sims2 and upon pushing her a little in later conversations she also named one or two additional games which add-on to this.

What she didn't expect was to end up with the entire series!! Between us all, we have managed to get hold of the whole Sims2 games world and Katie couldn't quite believe her eyes as she opened one after another after another of them!! It's always nice to surprise someone, especially when they think that they know what to expect! :-)

Ssshhhh..... Don't tell Katie... but she still has one or two more to come from her Nanny and Grandad!

Lovely xxx

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